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METU College Model United Nations (MCMUN) 2019

METU College Model United Nations (MCMUN) 2019

Self Funded
Country: Turkey
City: Ankara
Dec 13 - Dec 16, 2019
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Interested applicants are welcome to apply for the METU College Model United Nations (MCMUN) 2019. METU College MUN Club plays a significant role in educating intellectual, knowledgeable, also vigorous individuals, as it develops its participants into conscious, global citizens that have a deep understanding of the world around them. Each year, the METU College Model United Nations (MCMUN) club members represent the school at numerous conferences in Turkey and abroad, most of them being THIMUN-affiliated. Further,  It’s an honor to have one of the most well-established MUN clubs in Turkey, which was established in 2000 as an elective extracurricular activity.


  • 1st Committee : Disarmament and International Security
  1. The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East
  2. Transparency also confidence-building measures in outer space activities
  3. Role of science and technology in the context of international security also disarmament
  • 2nd Committee : Economic and Financial
  1. Promotion of sustainable tourism, including ecotourism, for poverty also eradication and environment protection
  2. Smooth transition for countries graduating from the list of least developed countries
  3. Likewise, Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development
  • 3rd Committee : Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
  1. The right to privacy in the digital age
  2. Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief
  3. Strengthening and promoting effective measures and international cooperation on organ donation and transplantation to prevent and combat trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal and trafficking in human organs
  • 4th Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation
  1. Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories
  2. Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities
  3. Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
  • 5th Committee: Legal
  1. Enhancing the protection, security, and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives
  2. Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission
  3. Also, Creation of a legal framework on the use of unpiloted aircraft
  • Economic and Social Council: ECOSOC
  1. Long-term development strategy of Haiti to promote socioeconomic recovery, reconstruction and stability
  2. Promoting the effective inclusion of older persons in society and development
  3. Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health
  • Security Council : SC

  1. The situation in Mali
  2. The situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  3. Also, the situation in Cyprus
  • Advisory Panel on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: AP
  1. Eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public also private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
  2. Ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic also public life
  3. Enhancing the use of enabling technology, in particular information also communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
  • Special Conference on United Nations Reformation: SCUNR
  1. Shifting the management paradigm in the United Nations to improve effectiveness and also strengthen accountability
  2. Also, Taking special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and also abuse
  3. Implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy



Type of Opportunity Model United Nations
Event Date13 December,2019 to 16 December,2019
Deadline01 December,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerMETU College Model United Nations
Contact the organizerinfo@odtugvo.k12.tr



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