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Earth Journalism Network Coastal Resilience Story Grants 2022

Coastal Resilience Story Grants 2022

Fully Funded
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EJN is offering 15 story grants with support from the Kingfisher Foundation to journalists to cover coastal resilience in their communities. These journalists will receive support from journalist mentors and a coastal resilience expert to increase media coverage of this critical issue in their region.

Story Themes

Earth Journalism Network invites ideas that will explore coastal resilience issues. It is particularly interested in cross-border collaborations and stories that explore similar efforts and shared solutions across regions.

Proposals that focus on topics or stories that have not been widely covered are preferred. Issues that have already received a lot of media coverage or don’t provide unique angles to environmental challenges are less likely to be selected.


  • Applicants can be from any country in the world. However, applicants from coastal countries reporting on their home communities are preferred.
  • Groups of journalists are eligible, particularly from different countries seeking to produce a cross-border project. However, the application must be made in the name of one lead applicant. Lead applicants are responsible for communicating with EJN and receiving funds on the group’s behalf, if awarded. Groups of journalists looking to produce cross-border stories will be favorably viewed by the judging panel.
  • For the purposes of this grant opportunity, EJN will only be accepting applications in English, Spanish, French, Bahasa Indonesia, and Portuguese.
  • Applicants must either have a working understanding of English or have a translator available to assist with communication with Internews staff.
  • Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with professional reporting experience and a history of covering environmental issues.
  • Also, EJN encourages applications from freelance reporters and staff from all types of media organizations – international, national, local and community-based.

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Judging criteria

  • Relevance: Does the proposal meet the criteria and objectives of the call? Why does this story matter and to whom? Are the main idea, context, and overall value to the target audience clearly defined?
  • Angle: If the story has been covered? Does your proposal bring new insights to the topic or offer a fresh angle?
  • Impact: Does the proposal have a compelling narrative or investigative element that will inform and engage, draw attention, trigger debate, and urge action?
  • Innovative storytelling: The use of creative approaches, multimedia as well as data visualization will be considered a plus.

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Application process

  • Click the ‘Apply now’ button at the top of the page.
  • If you have an existing account, you’ll need to log in or you must register by clicking “Log in with Auth0” on the top right of the page and clicking the “Sign up” link at the bottom of the page that opens. Click here for detailed instructions.
  • Applications should provide a detailed budget with justification for the amount requested. Download the budget template now by clicking on this link. EJN will consider some costs for the reporters’ salary, particularly if the applicant is a freelancer. Moreover, please include the cost for translation, if necessary. Also, note on your budget form if you are receiving funding from any other donors for the story.
  • You must submit two samples of stories or links to relevant work.




Type of Opportunity Miscellaneous
Deadline17 February,2022
Open toJournalists of any nationalities
OrganizerEarth Journalism Network
Contact the organizerinfo.ejn@internews.org



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