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Open Society Foundation Building Social Base Grant

Open Society Foundation Building Social Base Grant

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Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) announces an open grant that is open to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) registered in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.

Further, OSIFE aims to support key actors of civil society active in the field of human rights, rule of law, anti-corruption and investigative journalism to strengthen the organizational and social base of organizations that have proven their effectiveness at the local, regional, and national levels by this open grant.OSIFE strengthens NGOs by assisting them with their efforts to enhance their social support and embeddedness, with special focus on improving fundraising, communication, and base building.

Moreover, OSIFE seeks projects that can develop concrete, well-designed, and detailed plans and ideas how the applicants reach, interact and involve those people who approve and support their values and goals, who actively receive and deliver their messages. The projects should introduce how the planned activities strengthen public and professional visibility of the applicants, how to increase the number of their supporters, volunteers, Facebook followers, etc. Also, Those projects are preferred which fit into the organizational strategy of the applicants. In addition, the projects should contain measurable indicators and clear expected results and impact.


  • A one-time nonrenewable grant up to a maximum of $70,000.
    In addition to funding, OSIFE provides a complex technical support program developed and organized by its
  • professional partner, NIOK Foundation and its regional partner organizations.


The Open Society Initiative for Europe looks for key civil actors in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia that have a proven track record of work for open society values and are active in the following professional areas:

  • human rights, including but not restricted to the rights of women, people who are LGBTI, minority
  • populations,
  • disadvantaged groups
  • the rule of law
  • anticorruption
  • investigative journalism

OSIFE regards an organization as a “key actor” of its professional field if the organization:

  • works at the regional or national level in its country
  • Further, a proven track record of work for open society values
  • has achieved significant results in its professional field
  • central position in its professional domain with demonstrable impact
  • conducts activities that have significant domestic and international visibility and recognition


Type of Opportunity Miscellaneous
Deadline23 June,2019
Open toSpecific Countries
OrganizerOpen Society Initiative For Europe
Contact the organizersupportbase2019@opensocietyfoundations.org



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