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2021 Scholarship in Turkey – Fully Funded

Fully Funded
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
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Application call for 2021 Scholarship in Turkey – Fully Funded. The application is open to all nationalities and the deadline varies. The scholarship is offered by Sabanci University for Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree.

Sabanci University is one of the most prestigious institutes in the beautiful state of Turkey. Turkey is among one of the places that is very quickly becoming the choice of many students worldwide. This is due to the high quality of education imparted at Turkish universities.

Benefits of 2021 Scholarship in Turkey

At the end of each academic year, scholarships can be offered to students who have achieved the specified level of success (who have completed at least one academic year except Foundation Development Year with higher academic standing). The scholarships granted at our university are evaluated by the University Administration and Scholarship Committee every year; new quotas, scopes, and conditions can be determined.

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Sakıp Sabancı Encouragement Scholarship

The Board of Trustees evaluates Sakıp Sabancı Scholarships each year and can determine new scopes, quotas, requirements, and numbers. 87 undergraduate students will be awarded according to their “academic success” by Sakıp Sabancı Encouragement Scholarship which covers %100, %50, or %25 of tuition fee. Besides Sakıp Sabancı Encouragement Scholarship will be provided to successful and demanding students with a limited quota. Besides, successful students with needs would also benefit from this scholarship in a limited number.

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Dilek Sabancı Scholarship

Students will be awarded Dilek Sabancı Scholarship for two years in the condition of fulfillment of success criteria, who pass from sophomore year to junior year until graduation on the conditions that the student at the end of each academic year and graduates within the determined period and has received no disciplinary action. The scholarship covers %100 tuition fee exemption and will be provided for “academic success” without application for 5 students.

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Hacı Sabancı Scholarship

Need-based financial support provided to an undergraduate with the highest GPA, minimum 3,50, at the end of freshman year. This scholarship is awarded until graduation on the condition that the student at the end of each academic year, graduates within the determined period and has received no disciplinary action. The scholarship includes tuition fee, dormitory fee exemptions for four students, up to 500 TL book support, and 400 TL for 9 months stipend payment. This scholarship is given to a new student upon the graduation of the previous recipient.

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Türkan Sabancı Scholarship

“Türkan Sabancı Scholarship” will be given for 1 academic year to the students who are in need and successful, determined by the “Scholarship Committee” to the students from within who have completed the first class and have at least GPA 2,5. Türkan Sabancı Scholarship includes an annual tuition fee exemption and a monthly stipend of 500 TL for 9 months.

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Suzan Sabancı Dinçer Scholarship

This scholarship will be given to 4 undergraduate students who are in need and successful, determined by the “Scholarship Committee” to the students from within who have completed the first class and have at least GPA of 3.0. (Scholarships may be re-evaluated in case of having a GPA under 2.75). Suzan Sabancı Dinçer Scholarship includes in normal education period until graduation; annual tuition fee exemption, dormitory exemption for two-person rooms, and a monthly stipend of 750 TL for 9 months.

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Sabancı Vakfı Need Scholarship

“Sabancı Vakfı Need Scholarship” will be given for 1 academic year to the 5 students who are in need and successful, determined by the “Scholarship Committee” to the students from within who have completed the first class and have at least GPA 2,5. Sabancı Vakfı Need Scholarship includes an annual %25 tuition fee exemption.

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Tenzile Erdoğan Scholarship

This scholarship is provided by a donator who wants to hide his/her identity. A female student preferably from outside of İstanbul and enrolled in the Management Sciences program, who will have education in the 2’nd class and have at least a GPA of 2.5 can receive “Tenzile Erdoğan Scholarship” until graduation. (Scholarships may be re-evaluated in case of having a GPA under 2.5). Tenzile Erdoğan Scholarship covers annual tuition fee exemption, dormitory exemption for double rooms, and a monthly stipend of 700 TL for 9 months.

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Ayşe (Gül) Aktaş Scholarship

This scholarship is provided by a donator who wants to live his mother’s name at Sabancı University. Two female students who will have education in the 2’nd class and have at least a GPA of 2.5 can receive the “Ayşe (Gül) Aktaş Scholarship” until graduation. (Scholarships may be re-evaluated in case of having a GPA under 2.5). Ayşe (Gül) Aktaş Scholarship includes annual tuition fee exemption and dormitory exemption for four-person rooms.

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Mehmet Zorlu Vakfı Scholarship

5 students who are in need and successful having “Full Scholarship” students can receive “Mehmet Zorlu Scholarship” who is in Sabancı University Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering or School of Management. Mehmet Zorlu Scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 450 TL for 9 months, during the normal education period until graduation.

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Devak Scholarship – Deloitte Education Foundation

3rd or 4th class students who are in need and successful, having “Full Scholarship” and who enrolled to Sabancı University Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering or School of Management can receive “DEVAK Scholarship”. DEVAK Scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 400 TL(FDY students) or 500 TL(Undergraduate Students) for 12 months.

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Monthly Financial Aid Scholarship for 2021 Scholarship in Turkey 

Students can benefit from the financial aid of 2021 Scholarship in Turkey by making application on the announced dates announced at the beginning of the year. Students can apply for the scholarship for temporary aid to the units who have made announcements and benefit from the need-based financial aid scholarship by the approval of the Scholarship Committee. This scholarship covers a cash payment maximum 9 months period and it is unreciprocated. The financial aid scholarship provided in an academic year is valid for the time set by the Scholarship Committee for that academic year. In case the economic situation of the student continues as it is, the student has to renew the application the following semester within the announced dates

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerSabanci University
Contact the organizer+90 216 483 90 00



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