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Fully Funded Nile University (NU) scholarship 2019

Fully Funded Nile University (NU) scholarship 2019

Fully Funded
Country: Egypt
City: Giza
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Applications are open for the NU Postgraduate scholarship for Master of Science in Communication and Information Technology. The NU Postgraduate scholarship for Master of Science in Communication and Information Technology (CIT) in honor of “Mohamed Samy” covering the full duration of the study. Further, Nile University (NU) is a world-class research institution of learning to excellence in education and research. Likewise, Nile University is an Ahleya, non-governmental and non-profit university and the first of its kind in Egypt. Further, The university offers both undergraduate and graduate programs

In addition, Mohamed Samy passed away in May 2018; he was one of their outstanding Research Assistants in the Center of Informatics Science. Also, NU is offering one scholarship annually in honor of his memory and dedication to research at NU.
Moreover, the scholarship is in one of the following programs: Informatics, Information Security, Software engineering and Wireless technologies.


  • The scholarship is covering the full duration of the study.


  • Graduated with strong academic performance.
  • Likewise, Satisfying admission requirements for the Supreme Council of Universities and Nile University, including English language proficiency.
  • Similarly, Willingness to participate in many activities in NU related to teaching, research, and admission.
  • Demonstrate a strong record of extra-curricular activities, research, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship also, abilities and participation in philanthropic activities.
  • Maintaining an acceptable level of attendance in all classes and receive no disciplinary warnings is a must.
  • Further, Students must make satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their degree requirements.
  • A scholarship recipient is required to achieve and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the course of study.
  • Likewise, A consequence of failure to maintain the required GPA is the placement of the student under probation period during which the student must work on raising their GPA or otherwise lose their placement on the scholarship program.

Application process

First Step:

  • Send an email to Scholarship Office with CV and graduation certificate, explaining why you are interested to join this scholarship.

Second Step:

  • Interviewed applicants are selected according to their scores on the following measures with different weights for each factor:
  • University graduated from
  • GPA
  • Scientific excellence
  • Additional assignments
  • Interview (Posture, attitude, commitment to the scholarship, etc…)

Third Step:

  • The final  candidate will have to fill NU online application from here, pay admission fees and go through normal admission procedure at Nile University


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline01 August,2019
Open toEgypt countries
OrganizerNile University
Contact the organizeradmission@nu.edu.eg



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