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Fully Funded RTP Scholarship by Australian Government

Fully Funded RTP Scholarship by Australian Government

Fully Funded
Country: Australia
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The Fully Funded RTP Scholarship provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research (HDRs).

The Research Training Program (RTP) scheme is administered by individual universities on behalf of the Department of Education and Training. Applications for Fully Funded RTP Scholarship need to be made directly to participating universities. Each university has its own application and selection process. Therefore, please contact your chosen university directly to discuss how to apply for the RTP scheme.

The objectives of the RTP scheme are to:

  • provide flexible funding arrangements to support the training of domestic students and overseas students undertaking HDRs at Australian HEPs
  • deliver graduates with the skills required to build careers in academia and other sectors of the labor market
  • support collaboration between HEPs and industry and other research end-users
  • support overseas students undertaking HDR studies at Australian HEPs.


  • Holders of the Scholarship who enroll full time receive a stipend of $27,596 per annum, indexed annually on 1 January.
  • A student who relocates from countries outside Australia to take up the Scholarship may claim a relocation allowance. An allowance is up to $1,250 travel from their home country to Sydney at the commencement of studies. Also, an allowance of  $1,250 for travel to return to their home country after successful completion of studies.
  • However, Students already studying postgraduate research degree in Australia prior to the scholarship cannot claim travel allowance. Also, Permanent resident Students of Australia cannot claim travel allowance to return to their home country.
  • Reimbursement of up to $420 for Masters candidates and up to $840 for Doctoral candidates will be made for eligible claims for direct costs of producing a thesis in accordance with the University’s thesis allowance claim information. You must lodge the claim with the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre within one year of submission of the thesis and no more than two years after termination of the award. Costs associated with printing a thesis are not eligible as you do not require to submit a printed thesis for examinations.
  • Holders of the Scholarship may receive a concurrent award, scholarship or salary to undertake their research degree provided such award, scholarship or salary provides a benefit less than 75% of the Scholarship. However, we will terminate the Scholarship if you exceed this limit. The salary for work unrelated to the student’s research is not subject to this limit.


  • A domestic or overseas student eligible for an RTP Scholarship must take in an accredited course at an Australian HEP.
  • To be eligible for an RTP Stipend a student must not be receiving income from another source to support that student’s general living costs while undertaking their course of study if that income is greater than 75 percent of that student’s RTP Stipend rate. Income unrelated to the student’s course of study or income received for the student’s course of study but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs is not to be taken into account.
  • A student eligible for RTP Fees scholarship must not receive an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth.

Application Process

Universities are responsible for the application and selection processes for RTP Scholarships. Hence, you will need to contact your chosen university’s postgraduate research office directly to discuss how to apply.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerAustralian Government Department of Education And Training
Contact the organizerRBGrants@education.gov.au



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