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Funded ERCIM Fellowship Program 2019

Funded ERCIM Fellowship Program 2019

Partially Funded
Country: Poland
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Applications are now open for the Funded ERCIM Fellowship Program 2019. ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, offers fellowships for, PhD holders from all over the world. The Fellowship Programme enables bright young scientists from all over the world to work on a challenging problem as fellows of leading European research centers. In addition, an ERCIM fellowship helps widen and intensify the network of personal relations and understanding among scientists. Fellows are host in leading European Research Institutes. It should be noted that the stipend (Fellowship Agreement) does not constitute a contract of employment. As such, no contributions are made, on behalf of the fellow, in respect of unemployment insurance or either state or private retirement schemes. The fellow will not, therefore, be entitled to any unemployment or retirement benefits under the Fellowship Agreement.

Opportunity Focus Areas

Computer science


  • The fellows are appointe for 12 months either by a stipend (an agreement for a research training programme) or a working contract. The type of contract and the monthly allowance (for stipends) or salary (for working contracts) depend on the hosting institute (see the table here).
  • Costs for traveling to and from the host institutions will be reimbursed on the basis of an economic class airplane ticket or first-class train ticket. Travel by car will be reimburse on the basis of a first-class train ticket.
  • No moving expenses are designate.
  • Fellows have to spend at least a one-week visit to another ERCIM member institute. ERCIM-EEIG will cover reasonable expenses (including but not limited: travel, accommodation, meal) up to a maximum amount calculated on the basis of 100 euros per month over the fellowship period.
  • The Fellow is encourage to attend and to submit papers to scientific conferences during his or her fellowship. ERCIM-EEIG will cover registration costs and travelling expenses up to a maximum sum calculated at a rate of 100 euros per month under the condition that the fellow has an accepted paper at the conference.
  • This additional allowance can also be for covering processing fees for Open Access journals


  • Have obtained a PhD degree during the last 8 years (prior to the application year deadline) or be in the last year of the thesis work with an outstanding academic record. Nevertheless, before
  • We encourage not only researchers from academic institutions to apply, but also scientists working in the industry.
  • ERCIM representatives decide on the candidates to whom Fellowships get, taking into account the following criteria:
  1. The scientific expertise of the applicant.
  2. Quality of scientific publications.
  3. The relevance of the fellowship research agenda.
  4. Interest/ added-value for the consortium.
  5. Previous mobility / professional experiences.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline30 September,2019
Open toAll
Organizer ERCIM institutes.
Contact the organizerraffaella.casarosa@iit.cnr.it



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