Applications are open for the Funded scholarship at Macquarie University in Australia. The main scholarship round for international candidates is the International Research Training Program scholarship (iRTP). The International Research Training Program is the Australian Commonwealth Government scholarship scheme for supporting international higher degree research candidates.
Moreover, applicants applying for an iRTP will be automatically considered for the University funded International Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship program (iMQRES) in the same round. Also, Applicants should select International HDR Main Scholarship Round as the Scholarship type in their application. Further, All applicants must read the additional information for applicants for important information regarding the application process.
Successful iRTP candidates will receive:
- Tuition fee offset for 3 years maximum.
- Stipend (tax exempt, indexed annually, 2019 rate $27,596pa).
- Travel Concession (applied to local transport OPAL Card).
- Successful iMQRES candidates will receive:
Awards will only be available to applicants meeting the Eligibility and Selection Criteria who:
- Are citizens of countries other than Australia/New Zealand, and not Australian Permanent Residents
- Have already completed or expect to complete a research Masters degree in 2019
- Are enrolling as full-time students
- Likewise, will undertake a Masters of Philosophy or Doctorate in 2020
- Intend to reside in Sydney, Australia during their award tenure, unless on approved overseas research leave.
Award-holders may:
- Be in receipt of minor awards, allowances or other earnings which are supplementary to an iRTP or iMQRES, or derived from part-time work undertaken within the guidelines set by the relevant scholarship conditions
receive stipend top-up funding from industry or other sources to a maximum equivalent of 75% of the basic Research Training Program (RTP) stipend rate - Similarly, be in receipt of additional funds for fieldwork, equipment, and other such expenses not covered by the award.
Awards will not be available to those who: - Are receiving another equivalent or major award, scholarship or salary to undertake the proposed program
have already completed a higher degree in research at the same level or at a higher level than the proposed candidature in the same program of study. - Likewise, Provide false or misleading information to the University. Where there is a reason to believe this condition has not been upheld, the University in Australia reserves the right to reassess the student’s entitlement to the award.