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Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarships

Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarships

Country: Netherlands
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Applications call for Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarships

Every year the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (hereinafter: the OeNB) awards up to three scholarships under the “Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarship” program (hereinafter: the Scholarship or Scholarships). The Scholarship program was established with the aim of giving outstanding researchers the opportunity to contribute their expertise to the broad range of research activities undertaken by the OeNB’s Economic Analysis and Research Department. This contribution shall take the form of consultancy services.


The Scholarship program targets Austrian and international experts with a proven research record in economics and finance as well as postdoctoral research experience who are inactive employment with an Austrian or non-Austrian research institution and interested in contributing to international research mobility, broadening their research experience and expanding their personal research networks.


The Scholarships are awarded for research work toward the goals described under “Purpose of the Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarship.” Recipients of Scholarships shall use their expertise to participate in the Economic Analysis and Research Department’s research activities for an agreed period. Three scholarships will be awarded each year on the basis of the Department’s current research agenda. There is no legal claim for receiving a Scholarship.


  • Eligible candidates must have completed a Ph.D. or hold an equivalent degree and published work and done scientific research in the fields defined in the call for Scholarship applications. Applicants can be of any nationality and there is no age limit.
  • Only applications submitted by natural persons will be accepted. It is not possible to apply for more than one scholarship under the Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarship program.
  • Eligible candidates shall be acknowledged experts with a proven track record in economic research and shall be well integrated into their research community.
  • Applicants must provide proof of active employment with a research institution at the time of their application and for the period for which the Scholarship is granted.
  • Applicants who have received a Scholarship under the program will not be able to re-apply.
  • Neither shall applications for renewal be accepted. Employees of the European Central Bank or other central banks in the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) are not eligible for Scholarships. These employees may consider the options available under the ESCB’s External Working Experience (EWE) scheme or the Schuman Programme.

Application Materials 

  • A letter of motivation, including an indication of the time period envisaged for the consultancy.
  • A detailed consultancy proposal.
  • A description of current research topics and activities.
  • An academic curriculum vitae.
  • An up-to-date list of publications (or an extract therefrom).
  • The names of two references that the OeNB may contact to obtain further information about the applicant.
  • Evidence of basic income (employment contract with the applicant’s home institution) during the term of the Scholarship, i.e. the consultancy period at the OeNB.
  • Written confirmation by the home institution that the Scholarship, i.e. the provision of consultancy services by the applicant, is not in violation of the applicant’s employment contract with the home institution.

Guidelines for awarding the Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarship


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline31 October,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)
Contact the organizerscholarship@oenb.at



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