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Scholarship at Snow College in the USA

Scholarship at Snow College in the USA

Partially Funded
Country: USA
City: College Ave, Ephraim
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Apply for Scholarship at Snow College in the USA. The deadline for this application is 1st March 2021.


Snow College is a public community college in Ephraim, Utah. It offers certificates and associate degrees in a number of areas, along with bachelor’s degrees in music and software engineering and a four-year nursing program. Similarly, snow College is operated as part of the Utah System of Higher Education.


The Snow College Center for Global Engagement is thrilled to announce the International Merit Awards for new undergraduate degree-seeking students in the United States. Also, the educational award is available for all high achieving domestic and international participants who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree program at Snow College. College is a small coeducational higher education institution.

Offered Benefits

The Snow College Center for Global Engagement will provide an award range from $1,000, $3,000 or $5,000 to the successful candidates.


Snow College offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study. Similarly, see the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. Likewise, this higher education institution does not have a selective admission policy. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment.

Application Process

The incumbent must meet the following for Scholarship at Snow College in the USA:

  • How to Apply: For this award, an international student must take admission in an undergraduate degree program at the college. After that, they can complete the online application form for this funding opportunity.
  • Also, a complete transcript of your academic (school) records. Likewise, please have this certified and translated into English
  • Furthermore, for taking admission, applicants should check all the entry requirements of the college.
  • Similarly, students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline01 March,2021
City College Ave, Ephraim
Open toInternational Students
OrganizerSnow College



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