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Engineering Industrial Fellowships

The Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowships 2021/2022

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The Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowships scheme enables mid-career academics and industrialists to undertake a collaborative research project in either an industrial or academic environment, where one party would host the other.

Basically, the Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowships aims to strengthen the strategic relationship between industry and academia by providing an opportunity to establish or enhance collaborative research between the two parties.


Moreover, the Academy will contribute up to a maximum of £50,000 (per-annum) towards the basic salary costs (excluding overheads) of the applicant, paid pro-rata against the amount of time to be spent at the host organization. In addition to that, the total award is capped at £100,000 for awards that exceed one year in duration.


Eligibility can be The Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowships 2021/2022

  • Applicants can be of any nationality.
  • Applicants with both new and existing partnerships are eligible to apply.
  • SME and medium-sized industrial organizations are welcome to particularly apply.
  • Applications are welcome from any engineering discipline.

Academia-to-industry Fellowships

Specific criteria for academia-to-industry fellowships:

  • Applicants should hold a permanent academic teaching or research contract at a UK university.
  • Applicants should be mid-career academics (lecturer – reader or equivalent). Professorial candidates are not eligible for this scheme.
  • Applicants should currently be teaching engineering at the undergraduate or postgraduate level at a UK University.
  • Also, applicants must have a minimum of two years of teaching experience, as a permanent academic.
  • The industrial host should have a significant presence in the UK.
  • International fellowships are acceptable (where a UK based applicant will take a secondment overseas at an industrial organization that has a significant presence in the UK, meaning that they have more than just a marketing office in the UK).
  • Applicants must effectively demonstrate in their proposal the benefits to the recipient and to the UK University. These applications will be considered on a case by case basis and awards will be entirely up to the discretion of the scheme’s Steering group.
  • The industry host can be of any size as long as the organization can demonstrate that it will provide the awardee with an appropriate working environment.

Industry-to-academia Fellowships

Specific criteria for industry-to-academia fellowships

  • Applicants must hold a permanent post in the UK in an industrial organization. Consultants and temporary contract workers are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants should be degree qualified or have a professional qualification, such as being a chartered engineer.
  • Typically it is expected that applicants will have at least 5 years of relevant accumulated experience of working in the engineering industry.
  • The academic host must be based in the UK. International (industry to academia) fellowships are currently not allowed.
  • Proposals must be written by the individual applicants. Awards will be made to the host university, but funding may be transferred by the university to the industrial organization to cover salary as appropriate.

Useful Links 


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline08 March,2021
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Royal Academy of Engineering



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