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The Woodrow Wilson Higher Education

The Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship 2021

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Applications call for the Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship 2021. This fellowship aims to increase the number of journalists with the tools and networks to provide richer and more comprehensive coverage of postsecondary education, particularly career and technical education. The Fellowship program is sponsored by the ECMC Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.


Each ECMC Foundation Fellow in the Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Fellowship program will be awarded $10,000—$5,000 as a stipend and $5,000 towards the reporting project. The six-month, non-residential program begins with an expense-paid post secondary career and technical education (CTE) symposium. Following the symposium, Fellows must complete a reporting project, such as a special report or series. Fellows will also attend a CTE Collaborative Convening hosted by the ECMC Foundation in the fall.


Fellows may focus on any topic related to the field of postsecondary career and technical education. Special reports or series may highlight the challenges or potential solutions to students, schools, policy, programming, or stakeholders face. There is no approval process for reporting project topics.


  • The Fellowship is open to U.S. journalists who are education beat reporters or those whose work experience includes reporting on education and associated workforce development, social, or public policy issues.
  • Potential Fellows will be early- and mid-career journalists interested in deepening and expanding their understanding of postsecondary education with a specific emphasis on CTE. Print, radio, TV, multimedia, and online editors and journalists from local and national publications and digital-only news platforms are eligible, as are freelancers who target mainstream/corporate and independent media outlets.

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline11 December,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Woodrow Wilson Higher Education



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