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Applications are open for the USAID/BHA Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements Fellowship 2022. USAID/BHA seeks to motivate fellows to professionally engage in the humanitarian S&S sector by supporting the thesis or professional report writing efforts of three fellows during 2022.
USAID/BHA currently seeks to enhance its leadership efforts, improve its response programming in the humanitarian Shelter and Settlements (S&S) sector, increase the awareness of the sector in North America, and expand career options for those interested in S&S sector activities.
USAID/BHA anticipates three awards of up to $19,000 each to support graduate research.
Awards will support fellowship research for approximately ten months and cover basic expenses.
In addition, USAID/BHA, through HFHI, will provide basic administrative support for the graduate students.
Currently enrolled full-time in accredited North American graduate school programs; or US citizens studying abroad in similar graduate programs, in the following disciplines:
City, Urban, Environmental, or Regional Planning, and Architecture or Architectural engineering
Civil or Environmental Engineering or similar disciplines
Interest in commencing work on a thesis or professional report as a requirement for graduation.
Also, the topic of this graduate student research would be focused on any of the following topics of interest:
Wider Impacts – Measuring the contribution of shelter and settlements assistance to wider humanitarian outcomes in conflict as well as disasters contexts
Long Term Recovery – Managing the transition of crisis-affected households to longer-term recovery in conflict and disasters contexts.
Housing, Land and Property (HLP) – Ways of navigating land and property rights, security of tenure, and administration issues to support households to secure their rights to use, occupy, own, rent, or transfer shelter in conflict and disasters contexts.
Space Standards – How to establish more contextualized measures of shelter density in settlements in conflict as well as disasters contexts.
Self-Recovery – How can markets support shelter self-recovery in conflict and disasters contexts.
Cash and Markets – How households effectively use cash to secure as well as support their shelter and settlements in conflict and disasters contexts.
Measures to increase “coverage”- the level of assistance in response to identified humanitarian shelter and settlements needs, or to more effectively use resources.
Also, Environment – Linking and incorporating climate change adaptation measures and hazard mitigation efforts into the settlement planning to promote disaster risk reduction.
Moreover, applications from women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged.
a two-page statement of proposed work (including an executive summary)
Also, a reference from their thesis or professional report advisor
a statement from the advisor. It should confirm that the statement of proposed work will directly support the candidate’s thesis or professional report topic.
A review committee representing HFHI, USAID/BHA, and the InterAction Shelter & Settlements Working Group will be formed to identify successful candidates for this fellowship.
Attach the above-mentioned documents (pdf or MS Word) to disaster@habitat.org with the subject line “SHELTER FELLOWSHIPS-LastName”.