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Vacancy for Internship Program at Sabin Vaccine Institute in the USA

Vacancy for Internship Program at Sabin Vaccine Institute in the USA

Country: USA
City: Washington
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Apply for the Vacancy for Internship Program at Sabin Vaccine Institute in the USA. The Sabin internship program offers the chance to contribute to global initiatives, gain valuable experience in our Washington, DC, office and participate in networking and professional development activities with renowned leaders in global health.

Educational Internships for Academic Credit for Vacancy for Internship Program

Sabin offers internships to students seeking academic credit based on their university’s requirements.

Sabin is happy to work with students from any university. It currently maintains relationships with the following universities and programs:

  • American University, Washington Semester Program
  • Howard University
  • Lutheran College Washington Semester Program – a consortium of the following thirteen institutions of higher education:
    • Augustana University
    • Also, California Lutheran University
    • Concordia College
    • Concordia University Chicago
    • Also, Gettysburg College
    • Lenoir-Rhyne University
    • Likewise, Luther College
    • Muhlenberg College
    • Roanoke College
    • Susquehanna University
    • Thiel College
    • Likewise, Valparaiso University
    • Wittenberg University
  • The Fund for American Studies
  • Additionally, the George Washington University
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: College of Arts and Sciences, Honors Seminar on Public Policy and Global Affairs (undergraduate)
  • Also, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Gillings School of Global Public Health, Health Behavior Practicum (MPH)
  • Likewise, the University of Texas System in Washington, DC: Archer Fellowship Program Internship
  • Furthermore, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Wisconsin in Washington, DC Internship Program
  • Similarly, Washington Internship Institute

Contact jobs@sabin.org.

Visit the official page for more information. Also, visit oyaop.com for more opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline10 December,2020
Open toAll Nationalities
Organizer Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin)



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