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WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship Program 2020

WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship Program 2020

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Applications call for WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship Program 2020. WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship develops leadership, innovation, employability and well-being skills required by young graduates to succeed in the engineering industry and beyond.


In 2020, WomEng is redesigning WomEng Southern Africa as an online program; materials and tools will be supplied to fellows to learn in your own space and time. This will be supplemented with regular online chats via WhatsApp and live masterclasses. The program will be run in four (4) modules between September 2020 – March 2021 with an assignment and feedback required at the end of each module. There will be thinking, discussing, writing and reflecting tasks. The program is designed to help shape the way you think about yourself as an engineering professional and leader.


  • Module 1: Leadership Now – Unlocking Your Story and Style
  • Module 2: Innovation – Developing Skills for the Future of Work
  • Module 3: Mental Space – Learning to Recharge and Look After Yourself
  • Module 4: Employability – Thriving in the Workplace

Engaged fellows will be invited to in-person networking events with leaders from De Beers Group in the country (South Africa, Botswana or Namibia) in 2021.


Gain exclusive access to WomEng developed resources for leadership, innovation, employability and well-being skills.
Grow your professional network.
Access to mentorship opportunities.
Engaged Fellows will have an opportunity to attend an in-person networking event with leaders from De Beers Group in your respective country (South Africa, Namibia or Botswana) in 2021.


  • Applications are open to all engineering, technology, and built environment students that identify as women.
  • Applicants must be studying full-time at a university or university of technology in South Africa, Botswana or Namibia. Applicants that are not citizens of South Africa, Namibia or Botswana are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be in the second last to the final year of undergraduate studies or full-time postgraduate studies i.e. entering the workplace in 2021 or 2022.
  • Applicants must be able to commit between 7-9 hours each month between September 2020 – March 2021 to participate in the program. The program is designed taking into consideration foreseen academic workloads.
  • WomEng Fellowship alumni are not eligible to apply.

Selection Process

  • Applications must be completed online. It is recommended that responses are completed offline first as you cannot save your application and return. You can download the questions here.
  • The deadline for submission of completed applications is 31 July 2020, 23h59 SAST.
  • An expert panel will screen and shortlist applicants. Successful applicants will be contacted by end of August 2020.
  • Further details regarding the program delivery will be communicated directly to successful applicants.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline31 July,2020
Open toFemale
Contact the organizerfellowshipsa@womeng.org



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