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World Wildlife Fund 2020 Russell E. Train Faculty Fellowship

World Wildlife Fund 2020 Russell E. Train Faculty Fellowship

Fully Funded
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World Wildlife Fund invites a call for 2020 fully funded Russell E Train Faculty Fellowship from candidates in Asia, Africa, and Latin American Countries. The 2020 Train fellowship is a capacity building program for current and aspiring university faculty.

Strong university faculty is fundamental for effective higher education. Faculty members inspire students, design curricula, promote learning, lead research, and publish scientific results. In 2013, WWF’s Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN) launched this fellowship opportunity with the goal of improving academic programs in conservation.

This year again, WWF is extending its fellowship to support current and aspiring university faculty affiliated with or currently employed at African, Asian and Latin American universities to pursue doctoral degrees in social science, natural science, and other conservation-related fields. After completing a degree, the individual must enhance, expand, as well as establish a graduate-level conservation program at a university in their home country. By doing so, WWF aims to improve the capacity of these local and regional universities and encourage future conservationists to study in their home countries.

Fully Funded World Wildlife Fund Faculty Fellowship

To build local capacity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, World Wildlife Fund EFN is offering fully funded fellowship to current and aspiring faculty members to enable them to pursue their PhD. Applicants may apply for up to three years of funding and request up to $30,000 per year.

Eligibility for the World Wildlife Fund 2020 Train Faculty Fellowship

The World Wildlife Fund considers an applicant eligible for the fully funded 2020 Russell E. Train Faculty fellowship if the applicants are:

  • Citizen and legal permanent resident of an eligible country.
  • Have at least two years of conservation-related work or research experience.
  • Likewise have a demonstrated commitment to working in academia in an eligible country.
  • Must have an existing affiliation with a college or university in an eligible country. Priority will be given to individuals affiliated with underserved universities.
  • Enrolled in, admitted to, or have applied to a PhD program anywhere in the world.
  • Begin your studies no later than January 2021.
  • Commit to working for at least two years in your home country after the completion of your degree.
  • However, the candidates must not be a prior reciepient of Train Fellowship or Scholarship. Candidates must contact EFN if you are a WWF employee, consultant, or previous EFN grant recipient.
  • Also, submit all required documents by the application deadline

How to apply for the World Wildlife Fund 2020 Fellowship?

In order to apply for the EFN World Wildlife Fund Fellowship, the candidates must access the online application. The candidates must complete the application as well as submit all the required documentation.

Also, candidates must keep in mind that Train Fellows are selected through a competitive, merit-based process. An independent, interdisciplinary panel of experts will be convened to review applications and to identify the top candidates based on the following criteria:

  • Professional qualifications
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Academic achievement
  • Also, commitment to conservation education in the home country or region
  • The potential impact of the proposed research


The World Wildlife Fund accepts the application for the 2020 Russell E. Train Faculty fellowship until 1 March 2020. Applications arriving after the deadline are not eligible for the scholarship consideration.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline01 March,2020
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerWorld Wildlife Fund
Contact the organizerefn@wwfus.org



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