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Fully Funded Masters in Economics Barcelona GSE Scholarships

Fully Funded Masters in Economics Barcelona GSE Scholarships

Fully Funded
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
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Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (GSE) invites application for fully funded Master in Economics Scholarships in Spain. Barcelona GSE provides this unique opportunity for international students to pursue a postgraduate in economics program at the heart of the world’s leading economic, trade fair and cultural centers. Furthermore, it provides a variety of scholarships schemes to study in Barcelona.

Barcelona GSE provides a wide range of Masters program in the field of  Economics, Finances and Data Analysis. With the aim of training the next generation of economists and data scientists, the Graduate School of Economics at Barcelona offers world-class programs taught by leading faculty in their field. However, to receive the scholarship, students must apply and hold a place of an offer in the school’s masters program.

What Does Barcelona GSE Provide?

Barcelona GSE provides a number of scholarships schemes for Masters in Economics program in Spain. The scholarships are merit-based. Hence, applicants demonstrating higher academic potential are favorable to receive the scholarships. Furthermore, the scholarships are in the form of tuition waiver.

Hence, outstanding students meeting the eligibility criteria set by the Barcelona GSE will receive a 100% scholarship in their master program. Subsequently, there are scholarships in the form of 75%, 50%, and 25% tuition fee waiver. Further, the students receiving postgraduate in economics scholarships will receive an opportunity as teaching assistantships.

Are You Eligible for Barcelona GSE Scholarships?

You are eligible for the fully funded Barcelona GSE scholarships if you meet the following requirements.

  • Applicants must have an outstanding record of undergraduate academic achievement. Hence, as proof, applicants must send transcripts or mark sheets
  • Further, the scholarships are not bound for UK/EU students only. Non-UK/EU students may apply for the scholarship.
  • Moreover, applicants should demonstrate proficiency of the English language. Hence, as proof, they will require to  submit the English Language Proficiency Test Score 
  • Also, applicants must produce a Statement of Purpose.

How To Apply?

To apply for the scholarship in Barcelona, applicants must at first prepare the following documents:

  • Undergraduate academic transcripts or mark sheets
  • Copy of your undergraduate diploma
  • Copy of your passport
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Statement of Purpose 
  • Proof of English language knowledge

Next, they will require to apply online. To apply, applicants must register and create an account. Further, they will require to fill up the online form and submit all the documents.


Applicants may make their submission at the latest by June 25, 2019.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships Uncategorized
Deadline25 June,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerBarcelona GSE
Contact the organizer admissions@barcelonagse.eu or (+34) 93 542 12 34



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