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FONTAGRO Successful Cases of Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 2023/24

FONTAGRO Successful Cases of Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 2023/24

Fully Funded
Country: USA
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Applications for the FONTAGRO Successful Cases of Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 2023-2024 are now open. The objective of this contest is to identify and document successful experiences and lessons learned that contribute to a better understanding of how, through science, technology and innovation, bioeconomy strategies are promoted in the agro-bio-industrial sector of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The following categories will be awarded:

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  • Category I. Producer associations and other private sector organizations, including NGOs, working with LAC producers. This category includes associations of producers, cooperatives, family producers, as well as private companies that, through their innovations, promote the development of the bioeconomy.
  • Category II. Institutions and organizations of Science and Technology of LAC. This category includes institutions, public or private, of research, development and innovation (R + D + i) that, through their advances, promote the development of the bioeconomy.
  • Category III. Public sector (at all levels) in LAC. This category includes all state levels that through different initiatives (laws, ordinances, promotion regimes, etc.) that promote the development of the bioeconomy.

Prize from Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 

  • Special prizes will be awarded, one for each eligible category. The prize includes a monetary amount, participation in the final publication and in the award celebration.

Eligibility for Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 

Profiles can be submitted by:

  • Producer organizations and/or private companies working together with small farmers operating in any IDB borrowing country, Latin America, the Caribbean and/or Spain.
  • Any public or private research and/or development institution or organization such as universities, agricultural research centers, NGOs, etc. that operates in any IDB borrowing country, Latin America, the Caribbean and/or Spain and that has developed the experiences in those countries, whatever the source of financing.
  • Public sector of any IDB borrowing country in Latin America and the Caribbean and/or Spain that has developed experiences in those countries.

Application of Innovations in Bioeconomy Contest 

Click here to apply

See More; British Council Scholarships for International Students: Empowering Global Education

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline16 June,2023
Open toAll
Contact the organizerFONTAGRO@fontagro.org



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