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25th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest 2023

25th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest 2023

Fully Funded
Country: Spain
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Applications are open for the 25th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest 2023. The 25th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest aims to encourage artists and designers’ creativity around the world, spreading cinematographic culture, as well as drawing attention to the festival image at a national and international level.

The theme will be related to the 25th anniversary of the Festival, and pictorial, photographic or digital composition. Any work of art presented must clearly show the following: XXV CERTAMEN INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOS “CIUDAD DE SORIA“ Del 10 al 19 de Noviembre de 2023.

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Prize from International Short Film Festival

  • A sole award of €1,000 will be granted. The corresponding taxes stablished by the law will be discounted from it.

Eligibility for International Short Film Festival

  • Open to designers, artists and content creators from all over the world, from every nationality. Whoever interested in participating, either as a team or as an individual author, may do so. You may present one poster per author tops.
  • Only original and unpublished works of art will be allowed. Therefore, the work of art must has not be submitted in previous, nor other Festivals. In case any image or image’s plagiarism from other authors or institutions has been used, the author will be the solely responsible of facing any claims due to this issue. The work of art would be inmediately removed.
  • Posters with cinematographic stereotyped or clichéd ideas such as pop-corns, theater seats, scissors, etc. won’t be admitted.


  • The design must have a free space to later insert the logo of the different institutions and business partners.
  • Take in account the chosen poster design will be used in different advertising formats (roll ups, bildboards, marquees, buses, etc.). Due to those advertising formats, the design must be able to adapt vertical and horizontally without losing the original design shape.

Application of International Short Film Festival

The designs submitted by the authors to the contest must be a vertical PDF Din A/4 and 72 DPI (dots per inch) format. The design must be sent through email to the following address: cartel@certamendecortossoria.org.

  • The email sent to the organization must have the following information:
    • Subject: Poster Contest for the International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria 2023” Contest  + Title of the work of art.
  • Two attached files in order to preserve the author’s anonymity:
    • Final work of art file:
      • Vertical JPG format Din A/4 size and 72 DPI. (Files with layers and not edited text won’t be allowed at this point)
    • Word/ Notes file with the author’s data:
      • Name of the author (and/or name of the company if applicable)
      • Place of origin (city/ province/ country)
      • Phone number
      • E-mail
      • ID
      • Statement in good faith of the authorship of the work and the assignment of use of the poster

The organization will send an e-mail to confirm receipt of the registration form and the materials. Contestants’ posters are not allowed to go public with their work until the following week after the announce of the winning poster. Both poster and author will be out of the contest if their work is shown to the public before the winner has been announced by the Festival Organization.

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Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

Correspondingly, Join us on Telegram for more opportunities!

Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline05 July,2023
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Councilorship of Youth of Soria’s Local Government
Contact the organizercartel@certamendecortossoria.org



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