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Allard Prize Photography Competition 2022

Allard Prize Photography Competition 2022

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Applications are open for the Allard Prize Photography Competition 2022. The bi-annual Allard Photography Competition, which recognizes photographic excellence reflecting the ideals of the Allard Prize, is adjudicated by the Allard Prize Committee and Maxe Fisher, Associate Professor, Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media, Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

Entries should reflect themes of courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, the rule of law, and of human rights and/or anti-corruption generally. They also particularly welcome entries that depict corruption and human rights violations in the developed world.

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Benefit from Allard Prize Photography Competition

  • Each winning photograph will receive CAD $1,000 and is featured on the Allard Prize website, with a brief description and the photographer’s name, for six months. Winning entries archived as a past winner on the website afterward.

Eligibility Required for Photography Competition

  • Open to individuals who have reached the age of majority in their country of residence at the time of entry.
  • Members of the Allard Prize Photography Competition Jury, the Allard Prize Committee and the Allard Prize Advisory Board are not eligible to participate during their terms as Jury, Committee, or Advisory Board members and for one year following the end of their terms.

Entry Requirements

  • Photographs submitted are to be digital photographs, submitted at the highest resolution reasonably possible.
  • Horizontal images should be at least 1180 pixels wide and vertical images should be at least 740 pixels tall.
  • The photograph should have no borders and no white or black framing.
  • The file name must contain the name of the photographer.

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Application Details of  Photography Competition

To enter the Competition, Entrants must upload their photograph and complete the online submission form including:

  • A brief description (up to 1200 characters) of the photograph, describing how the photograph reflects the themes of the Allard Prize of courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, or of human rights and/or anti-corruption generally; and
  • A brief biography of the Entrant.

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline01 May,2022
Open toAll
OrganizerAllard Prize Committee
Contact the organizerinfo@allardprize.org



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