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Art for Well-being Competition 2023 | Cash Prize

Art for Well-being Competition 2023 | Cash Prize

Fully Funded
Country: USA
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Applications are open for the Art for Well-being Competition 2023. The Art for Well-Being Competition seeks to allow young people to creatively express how they feel about wellbeing using music, art or short film and winners will receive cash prizes.

PMNCH’s Art for Well-being Competition, open to young people aged 10-24, has three categories: film, video and design through which they want to see you express yourself and answer the question “What does well-being mean to you?”. This competition, and the “What Young People Want” Initiative are just some of the ways they are giving the floor to young people around the world to express what they want for their well-being, in support of the Global Forum for Adolescents and the 1.8 Billion Young People for Change campaign.

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Prizes from Art for Well-being Competition

  • Winners to receive $1,000 cash prize
  • 1st runner up to receive $500 cash prize
  • 2nd runner up to receive $250 cash prize

Eligibility for Art for Well-being Competition

  • Open to young people worldwide.
  • Applicants should be aged 10-24 years.
  • Entries should be in one of the following categories:
    • Music: Submit a 2-3 minute video of your song.
    • Film: Submit a 2-5 minute video of your short film, spoken word or poem.
    • Design: Submit a JOG of your drawing/painting/graphic design/illustration.

Shortlisting & Judging

A top 5 will be shortlisted from each category and advance to a final stage where they will have to create final projects based on adolescent wellbeing and its five domains. The final projects will be uploaded to social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and every “like” on a finalist’s upload will count as a vote.
Social media votes will make up 30% of the final vote. A panel of judges will score the final projects and their votes will make up 70% of the final vote.

Application of Art for Well-being Competition

Submissions are accepted until 2 July 2023, with winners decided through a social-media and jury vote, and announced at the Global Forum for Adolescents, 11-12 October 2023.

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Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline02 July,2023
Open toAll
OrganizerArt for Wellbeing
Contact the organizerinfo@ardentc.com



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