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Athens Photo World International Photojournalism Award

Athens Photo World International Photojournalism Award

Country: Greece
City: Athens
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Athens Photo World 2019 invites a call for International Photojournalism Award. With the donation of Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Athens Photo World organizes the annual Yannis Behrakis International Photojournalism Award for professional photojournalists. At its inaugural event, Athens Photo World will award a 15,000 € cash prize to a completed project of reportage or documentary photography, created within the last 3 years.

Who is eligible for the International Photojournalism Award?

Photojournalists are eligible for the International Photojournalism Award if they meet the following criteria:

  • Participants must be professional photographers.
  • Participation in the competition is free of charge.
  • Further, the photographic project must be from January 2016 and August 2019.
  • Likewise, the photographic project submitted for evaluation should be classified as a ‘reportage’ or ‘documentary’.
  • Applicants should send files at 72dpi and 2000pixels on the large side. Further, it should accompany captions, in English, in the file info field.
  • Participants must also send an accompanying text/story, not exceeding 250 words.
  • The photographs must not have been subject to alterations or any kind of digital manipulation. However, cropping and basic exposure, contrast, and luminance correction are eligible.
  • Submissions should be sent in a folder(.zip) with the photographer’s name and each file named with the photographer’s name and the file number e.g. Giorgos_Papadopoulos_01.jpeg
  • The finalists selected for the last round of judging will be required to produce the RAW image files as delivered by the camera.

How to apply for the Athens Photo World International Photojournalism Award?

Those wishing to participate should send a portfolio up to twenty-four (24) photographs, with captions or file info and a supporting text/story (200-250 words) to the submissions link. Jury members will receive the submitted works, without any info regarding the entrants’ identity, directly from the Webhosting company. The winning photographic project will receive an opportunity for exhibition at the next Athens Photo World (2020) festival at an individual exhibition of the photographer.


Athens Photo World will accept the submission for the International Photojournalism Award until Sunday, August 25, 2019. After crossing the deadline, the submission is not eligible for participation.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline30 April,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerPixel 19
Contact the organizerinfo@apw.gr



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