The United Nations Environment Program is issuing a call for proposals for cities interested in starting or scaling up ecosystem restoration efforts. This call for proposals is part of a global project called Generation Restoration funded by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which seeks to engage with eight pilot cities that will be selected for project funded catalytic grants to make the case, develop innovative policy approaches, and initiate implementation of urban ecosystem restoration and nature-based solutions implementation.
They are also looking for 5-10 role model cities to help strengthen advocacy at global level under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, participate in knowledge exchanges and work with pilot cities to kickstart their efforts on urban nature. The project duration is 21 months, starting in December 2023 and ending in September 2025.
Benefits from Urban Ecosystem Restoration
#GenerationRestoration Role Model Cities
- Technical assistance, guidance and advice from ecosystem restoration experts at UNEP and beyond.
- Matchmaking opportunities with donors, funders and wide community of experts for NbS implementation.
- Visibility as part of the communication and advocacy campaigns of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
- Support in the application to become a World Restoration Flagship under the UN Decade.
#GenerationRestoration Pilot Cities
- Implementation grants between $50,000 and $100,000 in total for the duration of the project (not one each year).
- Technical assistance and expert advice from ecosystem restoration experts.
- Support in developing an investment pipeline for urban nature-based solution projects.
- Matchmaking opportunities with donors, funders and wide community of experts.
- Visibility as part of the communication campaigns of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
- Open to governments, municipalities and their implementation partners for cities located in ODA eligible countries.
- Successful proposals must highlight the potential of implementation grants to help bring these existing efforts to scale and/or enhance ongoing initiatives.
- UNEP, FAO and ICLEI offices are not eligible.
- Political will and commitment to the project’s objectives until September 2025.
- Participation to 2 in-person capacity building workshops, webinars, peer-to-peer exchanges.
- Contribution to the development of tools & products to help cities accelerate ecosystem restoration.
Application of Urban Ecosystem Restoration
- To apply as a role model city, express your interest by writing an email to by June 30, 2023.
- To apply for a pilot project, fill the project proposal and budget template (available here in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish) and send them alongside a letter of support from the Mayor, City Council, Governor or equivalent to by June 30, 2023.
Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.
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