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JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program 2023 | Funded

JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program 2023 | Funded

Fully Funded
Country: Belgium
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Applications are invited for the JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program 2023. This grant programme supports cross-border teams of professional journalists and/or news outlets to conduct investigations into environmental affairs related to continental Europe. This is part of a larger Earth Investigations Programme supported by Arcadia.

While news media and newsrooms still predominantly operate nationally, most power structures and societal and environmental problems transcend national boundaries. This grant programme is therefore aimed at cross-border teams of investigative journalists and newsrooms to investigate and document illegal, unreported and unregulated abuse of nature that involves European affairs in and outside Europe.

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Next to investigations of environmental issues that transcend borders, this programme can also support and stimulate comparative investigations into local environmental issues and policies between two or more regions or cities. The grants can also offer support to preliminary work in the development of new investigative projects.

The grant can cover working time and expenses such as logistics, travel, insurance, access to legal support, translations, access to technology and data sets, etc. Next to financial support, teams can also apply for an experienced mentor to provide assistance with either the focus of the investigation or the need for competences in a specific skill.

Funding for JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program

  • The total available amount per call to be distributed among all supported investigations will be around €400,000.

Eligibility for JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program

  • Cross-border teams of at least two professional journalists and/or news outlets can submit a proposal for a journalistic investigation about an issue that concerns the environment and relates to continental Europe.

Application of JournalismfundEU Earth Investigations Program

After a one-time registration with your email address, you can access the online application form. You can freely navigate through the form to see which information you need to provide in your application. This includes:

  • team members’ details
  • information about the intended investigation
  • information about the intended publication channels, including letters of intent from news outlets
  • a detailed budget, according to their budget template

You will also be asked to upload some administrative documents.

One team member can start a draft application. He or she can then invite multiple people to collaborate on the online draft. The online application-in-progress can be saved and further edited at any time.

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Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline27 July,2023
Open toAll
Contact the organizerinfo@journalismfund.eu



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