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Palm* Photo Prize is an annual exhibition for a new generation of photographers. Its aim is to support, elevate as well as showcase the best of the new wave of image-makers.
Palm* Photo Prize is open to photographers working in all disciplines and styles. Submit your work for a chance to be shortlisted and featured in the exhibition at 10 14 Gallery.
Palm* Photo Prize group exhibition at the 1014 Gallery
Labyrinth Photographic £200 voucher
Also, Palm* Studios goodie Bag + Palm* Feature
Canvas Represents Mentorship Award
The photography agency Canvas Represents would like to present one recipient with a ‘Mentorship Award’. The chosen recipient will be a stand-out, emerging talent that is pursuing a career in editorial and commercial photography.
The winner will receive a three-meeting mentorship with the Canvas team of agents, focussing on a portfolio review, as well as an editorial and commercial strategy to help the recipient with the next steps in their career.
Criteria for the Mentorship Award:
Not represented by a photography agency, currently or prior to the application.
Also, a commitment to attend three meetings with Canvas (virtually or in-person TBC).