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Reshape'19 Wearable Technology Fashion Competition

Reshape’19 Wearable Technology Fashion Competition

Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
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The Reshape’19 competition submission is open to all form of artistic work as well as technological and scientific research applied to wearable technology fashion and smart products. We are moving towards an era of augmentation. Wearables, smart devices, and e-textiles are new solutions for future hybrid generations of interconnected humans and devices. The higher level of interaction is producing new paradigms, raising novel questions, imposing different habits, shifting economies and politics. Through technology, we are on the verge of a change in the perception of our habitats, ecosystems, bodies, social behaviors and interactions.

The RESHAPE’19 Competition focuses on future applications of Wearable Technology Fashion and Smart Products, inviting creative minds to predict new trends, elaborate novel solutions, and recalibrate existing markets in the direction of more sustainable models. Our goal is to redefine contemporary devices towards a new generation of cognitive nodes, connecting us to our habitats and ecosystems.

Awards+ Prize

Reshape’19 will shortlist three winners, respectively from the Wearable fashion technology and Smart product category.  Additionally, it will nominate two honorable mentions for each category. The first winning designers will receive an award of:

  • two scholarships (value: 6,500 Euro) for the Design for Wearables postgraduate at IED Barcelona
  • Also, a financial prize up to 1,000 Euro.

The wearable technology category winner will receive a 100% Scholarship. However, the smart product category winner will receive a 50% Scholarship.

Moreover, all selected talents, winners and honorable mentions, will have the chance to participate in Reshape Forum, with a free ticket pass at INDUSTRY From Need to Solution Event (overall ticket price: 400 Euro). At the Reshape Forum, designers will meet relevant industry leaders, presenting their proposals to the INDUSTRY and Reshape audience. Additionally, shortlisted projects will be showcased at Reshape Exhibition and invited to the Reshape Networking night.


  • The official language of the competition is English. Any other language is not eligible.
  • The work entered must have been created, realized or significantly updated.
  • Likewise, the competition is open to individuals, groups, institutions, companies, etc.
  • Further, the registration fee for each submission is 50,00 € and is necessary for receiving the entry identification code and submit your proposal project.
  • Also, Reshape is a digital competition. Hence you may not submit hard copies.


  • 1 Video documentation (approx.1 min. 50 MB max.) via upload
  • 5 Images of the work (JPG, TIF, PNG (at maximum quality).
  • A detailed Project description. The project description must include Concept idea, Function and prototype fabrication and Dissemination strategy, 3000 characters max.
  • A short biography of the artist(s) 1000 characters.
  • The project proposal material (pdf, word document, video) should be submitted by email in a .zip or .rar format named as ” Reshape19_Identificationcode_title of the project”.
  • However, entries may proceed to Disqualification the guidelines are not met.


To submit the project, you must register online. Online registration is complete only when you submit the entry fee. The entry fee for the application in 50 Euros. Further, to finalize your registration you will require to send all the required materials via email.


Reshape’19 Wearable Technology Fashion Competition accepts application till 12 July 2019. Applications arriving postdeadline are not eligible for the competition.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline12 July,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerFira Barcelona, Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), Noumena
Contact the organizer(+34) 937 420 927 or info@youreshape.io



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