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Application call for 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain. 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain is offered by Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). The application deadline is 20th March 2022.

2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain

Fully Funded
Country: Spain
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Application call for 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain. 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain is offered by Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). The application deadline is 20th March 2022. The CRG offers a Master Internship Programme for excellent and motivated students that wish to do the Master Thesis @ CRG. Apply now to boost your scientific career in a center of excellence, backed by first class core facilities and a broad training portfolio in our multidisciplinary, international community!

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) aims to provide highly motivated undergraduate and master students the opportunity to conduct research at the CRG. The goal is to encourage students (from all nationalities) in the pursuit of a scientific career giving them the prospect to get experience in an international laboratory while improving their skills.

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Master students will benefit from an exciting international scientific environment and an integrated training programme, including access to state of the art infrastructure, lectures and seminars, specialised scientific and technological courses, complementary skills training, as well as social activities.

In this 2nd call, we do offer up to 7 internships for international life sciences Master students.

Benefits of 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain

Master internship holders will be supported with a monthly fellowship of 600€ for the duration of the Master Thesis (maximum 6 months) and will actively engage in scientific and social activities of the chosen group and have regular advisory meetings with their mentor. Master students will benefit from an exciting international scientific environment and an integrated training programme, including access to state of the art infrastructure, lectures and seminars, specialized scientific and technological courses, complementary skills training, as well as social activities.

2022 Fully Funded Opportunities of Month March!!!

Application & Admission Procedure for 2022-23 Fully Funded Internship in Spain

The organizers encourage highly motivated, outstanding candidates that hold a Bachelor degree in biological sciences, physics, biophysics, mathematics, computer sciences or a related subject to apply for the CRG International Master Internship programme. Premise of being awarded with a Master Internship is the registration and admission to an official Master Programme of their choice. Furthermore, all candidates require excellent written and spoken English skills (B2 level).

Application for the CRG International Master Internships Programme is possible from June 30 – October 31, 2021 for Master students enrolled in a Masters programme in the academic year 2021/2022.

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Applications must be submitted online. Candidates must register in order to use the online application system. The online application form requests all of the necessary information for the initial stages of the selection process (General information, education, transcripts, honors, scholarships, prizes and awards, English certificate, scientific interests and 1 reference letter.)

All candidates will be pre-selected in November 2021, based on the online profile and submitted documents. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online in November 2021. Admitted students can start their Master Thesis from January/February 2022 for a maximum period of 6 months.

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Type of Opportunity Internships
Deadline20 March,2022
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerCentre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Contact the organizercommunications@crg.eu



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