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Funded Yiaga Constituency Office Internship Program 2022

Funded Yiaga Constituency Office Internship Program 2022

Fully Funded
Country: Africa
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Applications are open for the Yiaga Africa Constituency Office Internship Program 2022. Yiaga Africa’s Centre for Legislative Engagement with the support of the European Union under its European Union Support for Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) is seeking to recruit interns for selected Constituency Offices in the 36 States and the FCT.

The Internship period is designed to build the capacity of young Nigerians through direct understudy of the running of Constituency offices, legislature-constituent relations, and legislative engagement. Young men and women interested in contributing to democratic development and enhancing their knowledge on the legislature and legislators constituents relations are encouraged to apply.

See More: Call for Applications for the International Incubation Center

Successful applicants deployed to the selected Constituency Offices for three (3) months to provide support to respective constituency offices.


Selected interns will:

  • Serve as research assistants in respective constituency offices.
  • Provide support in coordinating and managing the selected constituency office.
  • Monitor and evaluate engagements in the constituency offices.
  • Participate in respective legislator constituency office activities.
  • Work closely with the legislative aide(s).

Benefits from Yiaga Constituency Office Internship

  • Moreover, Selected interns will be provided with remuneration commensurate with the work.

Eligibility Required for Yiaga Constituency Office Internship

  • Firstly, the Applicant must be between 18- 35 years;
  • Secondly, A minimum of tertiary education (graduated or still studying);
  • Thirdly, Adequate knowledge of Microsoft suites;
  • Additionally, Good writing and oral skills;
  • Lastly, Must reside in the listed constituency.

Application details of Yiaga Constituency Office Internship

Interested applicants who meet the stated requirements should send their curriculum vitae and a Statement of interest (200 words maximum) on why you consider yourself a suitable candidate to internship@yiaga.org.

See More: Fully Funded Scholarships 2022/23: The Columbia University, USA

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

Correspondingly, Join us on Telegram for more opportunities!

Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Internships
Deadline18 January,2022
Open toAll Nigerians
OrganizerYiaga Constituency
Contact the organizerinfo@yiaga.org



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