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IMO Internship Programme 2022

International Maritime Organization(IMO) Internships 2022 in London

Country: UK
City: London
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The International Maritime Organization(IMO) welcomes students who wish to apply for an internship at its Headquarters in London.

The IMO Internship Programme is solely designed for students researching activities relating to the work of the Organization for the main purpose of writing their dissertation or to further their research. While conducting their research at the Organization, interns will also have the opportunity to observe and gain insight into the functioning of a United Nations organization. Interns may meet IMO experts and observe the proceedings of committees or governing bodies of the Organization, when appropriate.

The Programme does not provide opportunities for students to be attached to the Secretariat to obtain work or practical experience.


You will get a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the internship if the intern is regularly present in the period of internship.

An IMO Research Internship offers a unique opportunity to gain exposure to the work of a specialized United Nations Agency. Interacting within the organisation enhances the period of internship at the Organization.


The IMO Internship Programme can only accommodate a limited number of students.  Therefore, acceptance into the Programme is on a ‘first-come, first-served basis based on the fulfilment of the eligibility criteria set out below.

  • a university degree in a Master’s or PhD programme.
  • considered for an internship at the request of their governments, appropriate governmental authorities or at the request of universities or institutions of higher education.
  • Applicants must have a working knowledge of at least one of the Organization’s official languages (English, French or Spanish).

Application Process

Applicants must provide a summary of their research, clearly indicating the specific areas of the Organization’s work to which their research pertains.

Applicants are advised to check the Maritime Knowledge Centre (MKC) Online Catalogue to verify whether there is sufficient material within the MKC collection to support their research.

In addition, you should consult IMODOCS, the IMO Document repository. Current IMO official meetings documents are available in IMODOCS.

Accepted interns wishing to change their research topics must advise the Organization before commencing their internship.

Additional Information

Internships are for periods of two weeks to a maximum of three months. Starting dates are at the beginning of the month and mid-month.

While at IMO, interns are based in the Maritime Knowledge Centre (MKC).

Also, interns should follow the working hours of the Organization and be present between 9:00 am and 5:30 weekdays.

Furthermore, interns are responsible for obtaining and financing the necessary visas or other documents for entering the United Kingdom. The Organization will not assist in these processes.

Costs Incurred

IMO internships are unpaid. Interns or their sponsoring institutions are responsible for the cost of travel, insurance, accommodation and living expenses. Furthermore, IMO accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the internship.

For further information, visit the official website to learn more!


Type of Opportunity Internships
Open toAll
OrganizerInternational Maritime Organization
Contact the organizermaritimeknowledgecentre@imo.org



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