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UNDP Federal Governance Specialist || Apply Now |

UNDP Chief Technical Specialist – Sustainable Land Use || Apply Now

Country: Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
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UNDP Chief Technical Specialist – Sustainable Land Use || Apply Now |

The Chief Technical Specialist will regularly visit activities on both sides of the border with a view to ensuring that project components are well-coordinated, so that direct and indirect beneficiaries benefit from all relevant components of the project.

Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Technical Specialist

Support the day-to-day management of Food Systems, Land Use & Restoration (FOLUR) Project through provision of technical advice, including coordination across agencies and with other programmes:
  • Review of relevant policies and development of policy frameworks as well as the institutional arrangements for Integrated Sustainable Development.
  • Organisation of and substantive contributions to a high-level policy dialogue on development of a Food Systems, Land Use & Restoration (FOLUR) Project.
  • Support the National Programme Manager and PMU in coordinating and supervising activities of national and international experts /consultants to secure timely production of planned outputs and the review of these outputs.
  • Lead and facilitate consultation and validation workshops with key clients including UN agencies and other development partners, international partners and donors to identify key priorities and complementarities between the project and other existing initiatives in support of the same area
  • Draft presentations, briefing notes, and concept notes.
  • Recruitment and supervision of technical expertise to implement UNDP’s specific component activities. Management of personnel, goods and services, training and low-value grants, including drafting terms of reference and work specifications, and overseeing contractor’s work.
  • Ensure that AWP activities suggested are in line with the overall direction set by the Project Document and lead to achievements of project targets and results, proposing strategies adjustments where appropriate.
  • Ensure implementation of activities as per AWP and agreed deadlines as well as according to detailed implementation, procurement and HR plans.
  • Ensure that UNDP ́s results-management systems are kept updated for project results- information including ATLAS project management module.
  • Monitor budget implementation to ensure accuracy and reliability of project expenditure.
  • Supervise and manage project personnel and consultants. Establish performance objectives and standards and ensure timely and appropriate feedback, guidance and support to ensure optimum performance.
  • Manage and monitor project risks. In collaboration with the technical project staff, implementing partners, identify new risks and update risk frameworks for consideration of the Steering Committee and decision on possible actions if required. Update the status of these risks by maintaining the project risks log.
  • Coordinate the conduct of an independent evaluation, audits, spot-checks, project monitoring visits to responsible parties etc.
  • Provide regular field updates to UNDP management.
  • National Project Manager to coordinate and liaise with stakeholders – including line ministries, development partners, civil society, indigenous peoples and the private sector.
  • Ensure coordination with other landscape initiatives.
  • Ensure communication between different government agencies, national and international initiatives and stakeholders. 
Provide significant input to project reporting and monitoring for both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Overall responsibility for the design of the monitoring strategies of the projects under the Portfolio and its successful implementation.
  • Ensure that the Portfolio is aligned to the key priorities identified in the outcomes of the UNDP Strategic Plan and the Country Programme Document.
  • Promote and support quality assurance activities undertaken by the Project.
  • Contribute to the development of evaluation plans as required by the Project / Country Office

Check : UN SDSN Communications & Design Internship 2025

Required Skills and Experience

  • An advanced (Master) degree with 7 years in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Economics, or a related area.
  • A first-level university degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Economics, or a related area with an additional 2 years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • Minimum 7 years (with a masters) OR 9 years (with a bachelor’s degree) of relevant working experience on conservation, resource management, forest economic policy and community development livelihoods is required.
  • Previous experience of implementing similar type and value projects in developing countries as a technical advisor. Experience implementing GEF-funded projects is highly desirable.
  • Demonstrable experience and understanding of issues facing integrated sustainable landscape and climate change.
  • Experience working in multinational teams to implement programmes involving different funding and implementing agencies is desirable.
  • Experience of implementing programmes across the UN agencies and across Government are definite advantages
  • Strong facilitation and stakeholder engagement skills are highly desirable
  • Working experience in Asia Pacific and PNG would be an advantage


  • Proficiency in English.
  • Working knowledge of other UN language desirable.

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Type of Opportunity Internships
Deadline11 February,2025
Country Papua New Guinea
City Port Moresby



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