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Isar Model United Nations (IsarMUN) 2019

Isar Model United Nations (IsarMUN) 2019

Self Funded
Country: Germany
City: Munich
Nov 21 - Nov 24, 2019
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Applications are open for the Isar Model United Nations (IsarMUN) 2019. Isar Model United Nations (IsarMUN) is an exciting annual conference, bringing together highly qualified and politically interested students from universities around the world who step into the shoes of a diplomat for a weekend and also, represent a country’s interests debating current political topics in different committees. Likewise, they pride themselves for their expert quality of MUN, from beginners to advanced committees they can promise a great time had for all.

Moreover, IsarMUN 2019 will feature four days filled with debating and meeting people from all around the world. Check out last year’s schedule to get a glimpse of what awaits you.IsarMUN’s 12th edition is awaiting you with an up-to-date theme, exciting committees, incredibly skilled chairs and an amazing social program in Germany’s most beautiful city: Munich – probably the only city that can claim to be cosmopolitan and picturesque at the same time! Also, Preparations for the twelfth edition of IsarMUN are in full swing. Further,  If you want to get with IsarMUN 2019, go to the official link to apply.


  • UN Women
  • Human Rights Council
  • Also, UN Commission on Science and Technology
    Beginner / Intermediate
  • NATO
  • ACP-EU Development Summit
  • Yemeni Peace Talks
  • International Court of Justice
  • Lastly, Historical Security Council

To apply as a delegation

  • To apply as a delegation you need to have a minimum of 5 other delegates who wish to apply with you.
  • Step 1: All delegates must apply using the delegate applications, and also, specify on page 2 the name of the delegation they are with
  • Further, Step 2: The head delegate or faculty advisor (or observers) must also apply and fill out special details sent to their email
  • Step 3: The delegation must decide whether to pay individually or together, once this payment is fulfilled…
  • Step 4: You’ve successfully registered as a delegation and also, they look forward to seeing you at IsarMUN 2019!


Type of Opportunity Model United Nations
Event Date21 November,2019 to 24 November,2019
Deadline10 November,2019
Open toAll
Organizer Isar Model United Nations
Contact the organizer[email protected]



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