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Bertha Challenge Fellowship 2024 | Funded

Bertha Challenge Fellowship 2024 | Funded

Fully Funded
Country: Africa
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Applications are open for the Bertha Challenge Fellowship 2024 for Activists & Investigative Journalists. The 2024 Bertha Challenge invites investigative journalists and activists working towards effectively exposing and counteracting the combined effect of disinformation and corruption on the climate crisis to apply for this unique Fellowship.

This Fellowship seeks to expose and explore who is responsible for the spread of unquantifiable amounts of climate disinformation and to expose how that disinformation is used in the interests of corporations and politicians with an agenda tied to corporate profit.

See More; Island Innovation Climate Justice Leaders Academy 2023 | Fully-funded to Dubai

Challenge Details

The fifth Bertha Challenge will begin in January 2024 with a focus on disinformation and the climate crisis, specifically supporting Bertha Fellows to answer the following question:

How is disinformation manipulating and distorting the impact of the human-caused climate crisis? How do disinformation campaigns help to protect corporate interests, the political status quo and allow for further industrial corruption, all of which priortises profit over people and planet?

Benefits from Bertha Challenge Fellowship

The Fellowships offer:

  • Income for each Bertha Fellow for one year, not exceeding USD $64,900 and commensurate with the applicant’s current or equivalent salary at the host organization – ideally a media outlet for an investigative journalist and an NGO, community organization or social movement for an activist.
  • A Project Fund of up to USD $10,000 for each Bertha Fellow to produce a culminating product that responds to the question posed by the Bertha Challenge, and that is directed towards a specific audience. This could be a series of articles, videos, podcasts, games or drama productions, for example. Joint activist and journalist applicants will have the option to pool their project funding to produce projects on a larger scale.
  • Access to a Connect Fund of up to USD $5,000 specifically designed to encourage collaboration between Fellows.
  • Regular online discussions with topics on a range of issues from current debates around the Bertha Challenge question to methods of investigation, methods of communicating findings through news media, storytelling, popular education and more.
  • Peer and mentor support in the form of regular virtual check-ins with Bertha staff and a cohort of Bertha Fellows.
  • Network development through the global cohort of Bertha Fellows and exposure to relevant partners within and beyond the Bertha network.
  • A global convening of Bertha Fellows at the start of the Bertha Challenge.

Eligibility for Bertha Challenge Fellowship

For Activists

  • At least five years’ experience working with activists, social movements, grassroots and community organizations, social justice organizations or campaigns.
  • Strong connections to a diverse range of relevant groups in the Fellow’s city, country or region, including with social movements, community organizations, NGOs, academics, journalists, progressive government officials etc.
  • Experience developing organizing tools or popular educational products and materials, for example training courses, publications, pamphlets, films, podcasts, arts, theater productions, etc.
  • Experience using research, media and the law in advocacy.
  • Affiliation to an appropriate host organization to amplify work produced during the Bertha Challenge.

For Investigative Journalists

  • Mid-career journalists with at least five years’ experience, a track record and passion for doing investigative journalism.
  • Strong interest and experience in producing work on the Bertha Challenge question and a proven ability to work with affected communities, social movements, community organizations, NGO’s, academics, scientists etc.
  • Investigative journalism and research ability, a comprehensive understanding of the political landscape concerning the subject matter, an understanding of the law(s) and political structures determining policy direction and power.
  • An ability to work independently.
  • Affiliation to an appropriate host media organization that will publish/broadcast work produced during the Bertha Challenge.


This is a full-time Fellowship. Bertha Fellows will spend their time working in their home countries and be required to:

  • Attend an in-person global convening that will take place towards the beginning of the Fellowship.
  • Develop and deliver a culminating product that responds to the Bertha Challenge question.
  • Participate in two virtual meetings per month, and occasionally facilitate these meetings.
  • Develop local and global network relationships.

Application of Bertha Challenge Fellowship

All applicants must submit:

  • A completed online application form.
  • A brief resume/CV in English of no more than three pages.
  • A list of 2-4 referees including name, relationship to applicant and contact details.
  • A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from your prospective host organization – including commensurate salary and any benefits provided.
  • Examples of previous work.

See More: Legatum Foundry Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline04 July,2023
Open toAll
OrganizerBertha Challenge



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