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Hurford Youth Fellowship Program 2023-2024 | Fully-funded

Hurford Youth Fellowship Program 2023-2024 | Fully-funded

Fully Funded
Country: USA
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Do you have great ideas about how to promote democracy in your community? Are you ready to build your leadership skills? Would you like to meet other youth leaders from around the world? Now’s your chance! Apply for the Hurford Youth Fellowship Program 2023-2024!

The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world. Through the Program, young activists spend three months at the World Movement’s Secretariat, during which they expand their global connections, share experiences with other activists from democracy movements around the world, and contribute to the development of the World Movement for Democracy. Hurford Youth Fellows engage in strategic meetings; conduct research; and organize and lead presentations, online discussions, and information-sharing sessions on key democracy issues.

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Upon the successful completion of each fellowship, the fellows serve as a regional/country focal point, working with the Hurford Youth Fellowship Alumni Network to remain involved and take the lead in youth-related activities.

Program Activities

Specifically, each fellow will engage in the following activities:

  • Conduct research on one topic related to the democracy themes.
  • Develop online resources, such as a collection of related publications and training materials.
  • Facilitate online discussions.
  • Contribute to the World Movement social media posts.
  • Take part in planning and implementing other activities of the World Movement.
  • Participate in relevant events and discussions in Washington, D.C., to deepen understanding of issues and build working relationships.
  • Identify, compile, present, and creatively share discussion materials and results.

Each fellow will also make at least one formal presentation of their work during their fellowship.
Presentations may be open to the public or geared to a more select audience and will typically focus on
the fellow’s project topic.

Benefits from Hurford Youth Fellowship Program

  • Each fellow will receive a monthly stipend for living expenses, plus basic health insurance and roundtrip travel to and from Washington, D.C. Stipends take into account the cost of living in Washington, D.C.
  • Fellows are provided with a fully equipped office, including internet and email access, and a limited budget for fellowship-related long-distance phone calls.

Eligibility for Hurford Youth Fellowship Program

  • Open to applicants from any country.
  • Applicants must be no older than 30 years of age.
  • They must demonstrate a strong interest in democratic activism and in the advancement of democracy in their respective communities, as well as worldwide.
  • Youth affiliated with civil society organizations are especially encouraged to apply.
  • A working knowledge of English is an important prerequisite for participation in the program for general communication purposes. All application materials must be submitted in English.

Application of Hurford Youth Fellowship Program

Applicants are asked to submit the following:

  • Applicant Form;
  • C.V./Resume; and
  • Two Letters of Recommendation

See More : Island Innovation Climate Justice Leaders Academy 2023 | Fully-funded to Dubai

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline31 July,2023
Open toAll
OrganizerWorld Movement For Democracy
Contact the organizerworld@ned.org



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