International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Exchange Fellowships 2025
Applications are open for the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Exchange Fellowships 2025. The fellowships enable early-career neuroscientists to broaden the scope of their neuroscience training by conducting goal-directed laboratory visits.
This grant program is designated for covering travel and local expenses throughout the exchange period. Priority will be given to applicants from less developed and under-funded countries, in combination with efforts to ensure both gender and regional diversity.
Eligibility for Brain Research Organization
- Open to PhD neuroscience students;
- Early career postdoctoral fellows – maximum 5 years from the start of the postdoc.
Only applicants currently residing in the following regions are eligible to apply:
- Asia-Pacific
- Latin America
- Africa
- US/Canada
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Regional Eligibility Requirements of Brain Research Organization
- The applicants must be affiliated with a research and/or academic institution within the Africa region.
- Applicants have the flexibility to apply for international exchanges either within or outside the Africa region.
- The grant is to be used along with matching funds from the host laboratory to defray the cost of travel and to subsidize living costs.
- The proposed laboratory exchange should last a minimum of 3 months.
- Maximum Grant Amount: $6,000 USD
- Applicants affiliated with a research and/or academic institution within the Asia-Pacific region may apply to one of two different funding schemes:
- Short Exchange + Scientific Meeting
- This scheme is for a combination of a short lab visit and an attendance of a scientific meeting outside their country of residence. Both components should be included in the application for this scheme.
- The applicant is required to arrange a minimum 2-week laboratory visit that would be beneficial to their research, with the maximum duration being 4 months.
- Classic Exchange
- The applicant is required to arrange a 4-6 month laboratory exchange.
Latin America
- Applicants have the flexibility to apply for international exchanges either within or outside the Latin American region.
- The proposed laboratory exchange should last a minimum of 4 months.
- Maximum Grant Amount: USD $8,500
- Applicants have the flexibility to apply for international exchanges either within or outside the US/Canada region.
- The proposed laboratory exchange should last a minimum of 4 months.
- Maximum Grant Amount: USD $8,000
Evaluation Criteria
The submitted applications will be assessed based on the following evaluation criteria:
- Scientific Credentials: The applicant has a strong academic and publication record, relevant work experience, and demonstrated progress to date.
- Quality of Research Proposal: The proposed research reflects a high standard of work in a significant research area, with clear aims, objectives, and a structured plan.
- Quality and Commitment of Host Lab: The host lab has a good reputation in the applicant’s research area(s), has expressed a strong commitment to support the proposed research, and has indicated matching research funds.
- Letters of Reference: The referees highly regard the applicant and assess their potential and suitability for IBRO funding.
- Benefit for the Applicant & Value to Home Lab: The applicant has clearly justified the need for the fellowship, and the value it brings to their home lab (through knowledge transfer, collaboration, etc.).
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The application form asks for the following information:
- Applicant Details: A brief description of the applicant’s academic background and current research focus.
- Grants Received: A list of grants that you have received, including IBRO grants.
- Research Proposal: A detailed description of the research project for which you request IBRO support.
- Exchange Fellowship Details: Information regarding the proposed exchange stay.
- Motivation and Impact Statement: A comprehensive explanation of your motivation in applying for this program and the impact of the requested funds to your research project and home laboratory.
- Budget Request: A detailed budget breakdown, specifying the proposed items to be funded by IBRO.
- Host Acceptance: An official acceptance letter from the host supervisor expressing their interest and confirming their willingness to accept the applicant for the proposed exchange stay.
- References: Two letters of reference supporting the applicant’s suitability for the award. One of them should ideally be the head of the department where you are starting your laboratory.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV): A copy of the applicant’s CV.
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