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POGO Ocean Visiting Fellowship for International Students

POGO Ocean Visiting Fellowship for International Students

Partially Funded
Country: UK
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POGO Ocean in association with Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) invites application from eligible candidates for the visiting fellowship. The jointly POGO and SCOR funded visiting fellowship aims to promote training and capacity building leading towards a global observation scheme for the ocean. The Programme has been a success for over fifteen years, with more than 160 fellowships awarded since 2001.

The oceanography fellowship program is open to scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (preferably of PhD level) and post-doctoral fellows of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and involved in oceanographic work. Moreover, Applicants must be citizens of developing countries or economies in transition. The main purpose of POGO Visiting Fellowship is to advance sustained ocean observations and their applications.  Further, the fellowship program aims to give priority to applicants in the early stages of career development. However, this fellowship is intended to support training in oceanographic observations, not to learn research techniques. Also, it offers the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centers for a short period (1 to 3 months) for training on any aspect of oceanographic observations, analyses, and interpretation.


POGO Ocean covers the following for the visiting fellowship program.

  • International airfare
  • Likewise, Transport from the airport to the host institution
  • Also, A Contribution towards living expenses

However, it doesn’t cover:

  • Domestic travel in the home country
  • Visa costs and insurance
  • Salary/bursary
  • Training costs


Eligible applicants must be a:

  • scientists, technicians, postgraduate (preferably PhD) students and post-doctoral fellows involved in oceanographic work at centers
  • Further, the applicants must be citizens of developing countries or economies in transition
  • However, that priority will be given to applicants in their early stages of career development.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria involve a number of factors including:

  1. Quality of the application;
  2. Relevance of the application to the priority areas identified in the Fellowship Announcement (Argo Floats and gliders; fixed-point time-series observations; large-scale, operational biological observations including biodiversity; emerging technologies for ocean observations; data management; coastal observations/ coastal zone management; ocean and coastal modelling; oxygen and other biogeochemical sensors on floats and gliders; optical measurements of living and non-living particles; time series measurements of N2O and CH4); ocean observations and modelling in the Indian Ocean (contributions to IIOE-2).
  3. Further, Evidence that the training will lead to capacity-building with potential lasting impact on regional observations
  4. Also, the need to maximize the regional distribution of the awards.

How To Apply

Fellowship applicants should complete and submit electronically the application form. Also, the applicant must submit a recommendation letter from the parent supervisor and a letter of acceptance from the prospective host supervisor. Moreover, applicants need to submit a hard copy of the parent supervisor recommendation letter. The letter from the prospective host supervisor should state the standard costs per calendar month for accommodation in the local area. Also, applications that complete in all respects are eligible for the Fellowship.

However, the applicant is responsible for identifying a suitable host supervisor and obtaining their agreement to host the fellowship.

In addition, mail* the signed original parent supervisor recommendation letter to: 

POGO Secretariat
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Prospect Place
The Hoe
Plymouth PL1 3DH
United Kingdom

* the letter should be posted prior to the application deadline, as shown by the postmark.


The deadline for this round of applications is 30 April 2019.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline30 April,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerPOGO & SCOR
Contact the organizerinfo@marinetraining.eu or +32 (0) 9 264 85 16 or 26



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