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Redeemer Leadership Scholarships | Apply at Redeemer University

Redeemer Leadership Scholarships | Apply at Redeemer University

Country: Canada
City: Ontario
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Redeemer Leadership Scholarships are available at the Redeemer University, Canada. Canada has been an international hub for talented students seeking tertiary education. With some of the best universities in the world located in Canada, as well as easy education policy, international students seek their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the country. Furthermore, universities in Canada also provide excellent opportunities to pursue and nurture extraordinary talents from all around the world.

Among the universities in Canada, Redeemer University provides access with ease for international students. With reasonable college tuition fee and provision of several scholarships schemes, Redeemer University fosters a relationship with its foreign students.  Furthermore, the university provides Redeemer Leadership Scholarships that cover a significant portion of the school fees.

Value of Redeemer Leadership Scholarships

Redeemer University in association with SunLight Foundation provides the Leadership Scholarships to 10 outstanding international students. The scholarships are valued at $2,000 each. The scholarship amount is payable towards tuition fee.

Who is eligible for the Redeemer Leadership Scholarship?

To be eligible for the Redeemer Leadership Scholarship, the applicant, at first, must be a student at Redeemer University. Further, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum admission average of 70%
  • Demonstrated noteworthy leadership qualities in school, church or community involvement
  • Be in high school or have completed high school during the preceding 12 months and have no other post-secondary education
  • Submit a leadership resume that lists your leadership roles and a [250-500] word essay that articulates what leadership means to you, why you have taken specific roles and how your Christian commitment has influenced your leadership
  • Candidates who qualify will be invited to Redeemer’s campus for an interview

How to apply for Scholarships?

Applicants who receive a conditional/unconditional offer letter at Redeemer may apply for the scholarships. As the admission process, the scholarship application is also through the Redeemer University online portal. However, the applicants must meet all the criteria set by the university. Additionally, they must apply within the University’s Program deadline.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerRedeemer University
Contact the organizer905-648-2131



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