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Research Support Grants Program 2022 MWWC

Partially Funded
Country: USA
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Application are open for Research Support Grants Program 2022 MWWC, Maine Women Writers Collection.

This program is intended for faculty, independent researchers, and graduate students at the dissertation stage. Who are actively pursuing research that requires. Or would benefit from access to the holdings of the Maine Women Writers Collection.

Benefits of MWWC

  • Range between $250 and $1,500 and may be used for transportation, housing, and research-related expenses.

The Churchill Scholarship


  • open for faculty, independent researchers, and graduate students at the dissertation stage
  • who are actively pursuing research that requires or would benefit from access to the holdings of the MWWC

Application of MWWC

Applications should include the following:

  • Firstly, Cover sheet with applicant’s name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
  • secondly, Present status and institutional affiliation (if any).
  • Thirdly, Working title of the project.
  • Length of proposed research visit to the MWWC (minimum of one week).
  • Further, List of financial support previously received for the project.
  • Additionally, Proposed budget (not to exceed $1,500).
  • A one-page description of the project. Successful applicants will demonstrate their project’s relevance to the unique holdings of the MWWC as well as its significance to their field of study.
  • Curriculum vitae of no more than three pages.
  • Graduate students should also arrange to have a letter of reference sent directly to the MWWC. This letter should speak to the applicant’s scholarly experience, ability, and promise.

Recipients will be asked to write a brief, 250-word report on their research. And to contribute to the MWWC a copy of any publications resulting from research in the Collection.

Deadline : September 01, 2022

Lastly, visit the official website link given below for further details.

Similarly, Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline01 September,2022
Open toAll
OrganizerUniversity of New England
Contact the organizersbaker8@une.edu



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