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TWAS─Abdool Karim Award in Biological Sciences 2022

TWAS─Abdool Karim Award in Biological Sciences 2022

Partially Funded
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Applications for the TWAS─Abdool Karim Award in Biological Sciences 2022 are now open. This award, named after TWAS Fellow Quarraisha Abdool Karim, carries a cash award generously provided by Professor Abdool Karim. It is designed to honor women scientists in Low-Income African countries for their achievements in Biological Sciences.

TWAS has long recognized that prizes and awards provide an incentive for scientists to do their best work while winning global recognition. Today, honors awarded by TWAS and its partners are among the most prestigious given for research in the developing world. They range from the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize, which celebrates the very best research in the South, to prizes awarded to early-career scientists already making impressive contributions to their field.

TWAS─Abdool Karim Award

  • A $5,000 award is given to the selected scientist.

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Eligibility Required for TWAS─Abdool Karim Award

  • The award recognizes women scientists for their achievements in Biological Sciences;
  • Eligible nominees are female scientists national of a Low-Income African country who have been living and working there for at least two years immediately prior to their nomination. (i.e. from 20/4/2020);
  • Fellows of TWAS are not eligible;
  • Self-nominations and nominations from jury members will not be considered.

Nominations for TWAS─Abdool Karim Award

A nomination is considered complete only if includes all of the following information/material:

  • Firstly, Nominator contact details;
  • Secondly, Nominee contact details (self-nominations and nominations from jury members are not accepted) and general information on the nominee, including the country where she has been working and living in the past 2 years;
  • Thirdly, Authorization from the nominee (i.e. the candidate) to process her personal data for the purposes of her nomination, in conformity to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. This authorization can only be submitted through the online platform. The privacy authorization form is available for download in the section ‘nominee’s personal data. The form must be filled in and signed by the candidate and then uploaded onto the online platform;
  • Suggested citation (15-20 words highlighting the nominee’s scientific achievements in Biological Sciences);
  • Supporting statement regarding the nominee’s contribution in Biological Sciences. Supporting statements should explain in detail the work performed by the candidate and its significance in the relevant scientific context. Clear reference should be made to the scientific impact of the nominee’s work. Vague supporting statements will not be considered and will negatively affect the evaluation;

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  • A clear and detailed account of any time spent abroad by the nominee in the past two years;
  • PhD: information on the subject area, year, and awarding institution;
  • Brief information on membership in academies and societies;
  • Brief information on awards and honors received;
  • List of 10 most significant publications listed in an internationally acceptable format;
  • The nominee’s brief CV and her complete list of publications are also to be uploaded, separately, onto the online platform.
  • The nominee’s h-index in Google Scholar and the associated number of citations.

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline20 April,2022
Open toAll
Contact the organizeronlineforms@twas.org



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