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Google Hash Code Programming Challenge 2022

Google Hash Code Programming Challenge 2022

Country: Ireland
City: Dublin
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Google Hash Code Programming Challenge is a team-based programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals. You pick your team and programming language, Google picks a real-life engineering problem to solve.

For each round of the competition, Google will present a problem and your team will write a program that generates a solution. Your team can submit as many solutions as you’d like using the online Judge System, and a live scoreboard will let you know how you stack up against the competition.

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Google will notify each Team member about whether they have qualified for any prizes. Notifications will be made during the closing ceremony of the World Finals.

  • Hash Code Cash Prizes:

You may be eligible to receive one of the following cash prizes if you advance to, attend, and compete in the World Finals. The prize money specified below reflects the amount each person on the winning team will receive.

Team RankPrize Money Per Participant
1st Place$4,000
2nd Place$2,000
3rd Place$1,000
  •  Goodies:

Google may occasionally, and at its sole discretion, give away Google-branded objects, Google-related products, or other goodies (“Goodies​”) to World Finals participants as part of their participation in the Hash Code Contest. These Goodies are not prizes and must not be treated as prizes by participants. Recipients of Goodies are responsible for ensuring that they comply with any applicable tax laws and filing requirements (if any).

  •  Certificates:

Members of Teams that submit a solution scoring at least one point during either the Qualification Round or World Finals are eligible to receive a downloadable and printable certificate, which will be accessible from their Contest Profile approximately a month after each Round’s completion.

  • Gift Bags:

Every member of the competition will get a gift bag.

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Eligibility Criteria:

  • Google Hash Code Programming Challenge is open to university students and industry professionals in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
  • Participants register and compete in teams of two to four.
  • Registration is free
  • The only thing you need for the Online Qualification Round is a computer connected to the Internet.
  • Moreover, aged 18 or more.

The Hangout on Air will be available on YouTube. The Judge System will be available as a web application, compatible with recent web browsers. For the rest of your computer setup, you’re free to use the tools and programming languages of your choice.

Selection Process:

Top scoring teams from the Online Qualification Round will be notified and invited to the Final Round at Google Dublin. Google will present a second challenge, and the winning teams will be awarded cool Google prizes. In addition to the competition, participants will also get the chance to learn more about Google through a variety of tech talks and presentations.

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Value of Google Hash Code Programming Challenge

For the Final Round, the three teams with the highest scores will be awarded cool Google prizes. Every participant will also get a certificate of qualification to the Final Round and a gift bag.

How to Apply

You should carefully review the rules of the competition. It may also be helpful to look at problem statements from past editions of Hash Code. Google encourages you to practice together with your teammates, and agree on the programming languages and tools you’d like to use.



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline24 February,2022
FieldHash Coding
Open toCitizens of countries in Africa, Europe & Middle East
Contact the organizerhashcode@google.com



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