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RELX Environmental Challenge 2023 | $50,000 prize

RELX Environmental Challenge 2023 | $50,000 prize

Fully Funded
Country: USA
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Applications for the RELX Environmental Challenge 2023 are now open. Each year the RELX Environmental Challenge is awarded to projects that best demonstrate how they can provide sustainable access to safe water or sanitation. The RELX Environmental Challenge is a skill-based competition in which participants are asked to submit proposals outlining innovative ideas that advance access to safe water and/or sanitation where access is presently at risk.

RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers, enabling them to make better decisions, get better results and be more productive. Their purpose is to benefit society by developing products that help researchers advance scientific knowledge; doctors and nurses improve the lives of patients; lawyers promote the rule of law and achieve justice and fair results for their clients; businesses and governments prevent fraud; consumers access financial services and get fair prices on insurance; and customers learn about markets and complete transactions.

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Prizes from RELX Environmental Challenge

  • $50,000 prize for the first-place entry.
  • $25,000 prize for the second-place entry.
  • The winners also receive free access for one year to ScienceDirect, a Scientific, Technical & Medical business’ database of full text, scientific information, including almost 250,000 articles since 2000 in Environmental Sciences.

Eligibility for RELX Environmental Challenge

  • Open to individuals or organisations operating in the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors.
  • Projects must advance sustainable access to safe water where it is presently at risk and/or access to improved sanitation, and include the following criteria:
    • Be replicable, scalable and sustainable. and set a benchmark for innovation
    • Have practical applicability
    • Address non-discrimination/equity of access
    • Involve and impact a range of stakeholders
    • Have local/community-level engagement

Application of RELX Environmental Challenge

Applications may be submitted between 06:00 GMT on May 1, 2023 and 23:59 GMT on June 18, 2023.

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Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.

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Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline18 June,2023
Open toAll
Contact the organizerlondon@relx.com



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