Applications are open for the Gosling-Lim Postdoctoral Fellowship in Southeast Asian Studies 2022. This fellowship is focused on capability-building in Southeast Asian Studies among scholars who are Southeast Asian nationals based in Southeast Asia and at Southeast Asian institutions.
Its goal is to enable such scholars to concentrate on publishing their dissertation research, and/or embark on new post-dissertation research, without the distraction of having to teach, consult, or shoulder administrative burdens, and with the opportunity to expand their scholarly networks and expertise. The intent is that fellowship recipients will develop their careers in Southeast Asia, helping to advance the field of Southeast Asian Studies within the region.
Funding for Gosling-Lim Fellowship
- The fellowship provides US$50,000 of funding for postdoctoral research and writing, to be expended over 8-12 months while the recipient is in residence or otherwise based at an academic institution, in Southeast Asia or abroad, other than their home institution and the institution at which their doctorate was obtained.
Eligibility Required for Gosling-Lim Fellowship
- Open to Southeast Asian nationals with single nationality holding the Ph.D. degree or equivalent who are—or will be—engaged in the academic profession in Southeast Asia, and whose research is on Southeast Asia. The degree must have been achieved between 1 and 3 years prior to the start of the award. Independent scholars who intend to obtain an institutional position in future may apply.
- Dual nationals may apply on the condition that for at least two years after the fellowship completion, they will be based in Southeast Asia to actively contribute to, and shape, the field of Southeast Asian Studies without leaving the region for work elsewhere.
- Applicants must hold the Ph.D. at the time of application. Doctoral candidates are not eligible to apply.
- AAS membership is not a requirement.
- Applicants must not have received a Southeast Asia-focused research and writing fellowship of this type within the past three years.
- A former Gosling-Lim Postdoctoral Fellow may not apply again.
Application Details of Gosling-Lim Fellowship
Your application should include:
- A cover letter outlining:
- Firstly, how the fellowship will be used;
- Secondly, how it will contribute to the applicant’s professional development and academic career;
- Lastly, how this will contribute to the field of Southeast Asian studies in general and within Southeast Asia specifically. The letter should also attest that the applicant will not be holding another fellowship concurrently.
- Documentation of citizenship, e.g. valid home country passport.
- Documentation of Ph.D. degree received.
- A detailed curriculum vitae.
- A proposal on the research to be undertaken or written up, including a budget (with any matching funds noted), and plans for dissemination, as is typical of all academic proposals and grant applications.
- 1-2 writing samples e.g. dissertation chapter, working paper, submitted or published article.
- A statement by the applicant explaining the choice of proposed host institution, including the resources there that will enhance the research (e.g. unique library or museum resources, presence of scholarly research collaborators, availability of courses and seminars that the applicant may attend without charge). Preference will be given to applicants who wish to affiliate with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but this is not a prerequisite. Although the host institution can be in any country, it should be the most appropriate for the nature of the proposed research.
Separately, each applicant must request that the following supporting documents be emailed to by April 1, 2022:
- Two recommendation letters by referees, who are familiar with the applicant’s field of research.
- A letter of support from the proposed host institution, outlining the (monetary or non-monetary) support that it will provide the applicant (e.g. office space, library and computer access, administrative staff support, ability to audit graduate courses and attend seminars). (Note 1: If the host institution requires an overhead payment for this function. And the sum is approved by the fellowship granting committee, it will be deducted from the fellowship amount. Note 2: The applicant is encouraged to give seminars and guest lectures at the host institution, which may be compensated or not, but should not teach or team-teach a course.)
- A letter of support from the applicant’s home institution approving leave for the duration of the fellowship. (noting any institutional matching funds if applicable). And outlining how the fellowship will help enhance the field of Southeast Asian Studies at the institution. Independent scholars should explain why they lack an institutional affiliation. And describe their plans for securing such an affiliation upon conclusion of the fellowship.
Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found below to access the application form.
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